Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

Featured Story

Closeup of Dr. Jeremy Hess in profile holding a microphone with one hand and holding out his other hand.

Protecting health in a changing climate

DEOHS researchers partner with communities to save lives from extreme heat and climate-related disasters

| Kate Stringer

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Rachel Shaffer bikes on a street in front of houses. Photo by Alex Kritchevsky.

Biking in dirty air

A DEOHS student considers whether the benefits of bike commuting outweigh the risks from breathing polluted air

Ali, pictured on the left, assists with a swimming pool inspection.  She and another woman sit on the concrete edge of a chlorinated pool with testing equipment and a clipboard.

From the Grand Canyon to remote Alaska

DEOHS student pursues passion for environmental health in some of America’s hardest-to-reach locations

Jackson preparing to collect wastewater from a septic system. Photo by John Zinza, Washington State Department of Health.

Research with real-world impact

DEOHS student’s work leads to environmental recommendations to create cleaner waterways

Meagan Jackson, a DEOHS award recipient, shakes hands with Shirley Beresford while receiving her award. Joel Kaufman watches.

Celebrating excellence

DEOHS students and staff honored at 2018 UW School of Public Health Excellence Awards event

portrait of Lianne Sheppard standing outside.  A bridge with vehicles is in the background.  Photo by Sarah Fish.

Standing up for science

DEOHS professor sues US EPA over directive that “stacks the deck against scientific integrity”

Student on a field trip to a construction site, looking up in a line of students.  They are all wearing orange vests and white hard hats.

Introducing our new DEOHS blog

Health & Safety Matters features stories of innovation, inspiration and impact



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