Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

Featured Story

Closeup of Dr. Jeremy Hess in profile holding a microphone with one hand and holding out his other hand.

Protecting health in a changing climate

DEOHS researchers partner with communities to save lives from extreme heat and climate-related disasters

| Kate Stringer

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Latest Stories

DEOHS Students pose for a photo in the hallway before entering the stadium where the SPH graduation ceremony will take place.

Celebrating our 2018 graduates

New leaders in environmental and workplace safety ready to leave their mark on public health

Kate McConnell talks with people about her research project at Graduate Student Research Day

Students leading the way

New video highlights scientific research driven by UW DEOHS students

4 students launch a boat to take samples from Lake Killarney.  Two students are in the boat, two students are in the water wearing waders and are pushing the boat out into the lake.

Arsenic in the water

Shallow lake offers deep insight into lake chemistry

Miriam Caulkins tests samples on-site in an orchard.  Photo: Jose Carmona.

On the front lines of climate change

Award-winning DEOHS student studies the risks outdoor laborers face with rising temperatures

DEOHS Research Scientist Rachel Wood holds cotton swabs undergoing testing in a UW lab

The end of TB?

How a 100-year-old invention could revolutionize diagnosis of one of today’s deadliest diseases

Close up of UW student Natalia Kowalchuk's hands holding a soldering iron as she builds an air monitor in a lab. Photo: Kayla Cayton.

What’s in the air

Innovative air-quality monitor developed by DEOHS student provides communities with real-time data at lower cost



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