Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

Featured Story

Closeup of Dr. Jeremy Hess in profile holding a microphone with one hand and holding out his other hand.

Protecting health in a changing climate

DEOHS researchers partner with communities to save lives from extreme heat and climate-related disasters

| Kate Stringer

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Latest Stories

A house damaged by Hurricane Irma sits on its side after sliding down a cliff.

US health threatened by climate change

Global report co-authored by DEOHS faculty says the health sector can lead the response to climate change

A group of UW students in orange vests stands by a wall looking into a construction area.

A new home for population health

Some DEOHS faculty, staff will move to new Population Health building in 2020, joining a new UW hub for public health

A group of people stand on a street wearing air masks and taking video on their cellphones.

Clearing the air

Public health experts and climate researchers convene to address communication challenges related to wildfire smoke

Two firefighters at the scene of a grass fire.

Building back better

DEOHS researcher explores new strategies to help communities come back healthier and more resilient after a disaster

A woman looks through VR goggles.

Real-life experience, without the risk

Virtual reality simulation developed by the University of Idaho and DEOHS aims to protect workers from on-the-job hazards

DEOHS students recently toured Boeing's Everett facility. Photo: courtesy of Boeing.

Co-piloting a program to launch careers

Boeing and DEOHS partner to bolster academic programs, student opportunities and workforce talent



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