Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

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A bronze sculpture on the UW campus of a human figure seated with hands on knees, eyes closed  and a large flat circle on forehead. The sculpture is covered in light snow, with buildings, bare deciduous trees and an evergreen in the background..

Four new faculty members join DEOHS in 2024-2025

New assistant professors tackle emerging environmental conditions influencing dementia, birth outcomes, fertility and vector-borne disease

| Deirdre Lockwood

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Latest Stories

Portrait of Rebekah Petroff with a tree in the background.

Loving the questions

Outstanding PhD student Rebekah Petroff is exploring the subtle effects of a harmful shellfish toxin

3 women in PPE including face shields, masks, gloves, coats and closed toed shoes.

Retooling for online learning

From virtual field trips to social distancing in the lab, DEOHS students and faculty find new ways to teach, learn and do research in the face of COVID-19

Portrait of Alexa Yadama with trees in the background

Finding beauty in the details

This scholar and ultimate frisbee star is using science to protect people’s health

Magali Blanco examining air monitoring equipment mounted in the back seat of a car.

Latino Center honors DEOHS scholars

Two students with DEOHS roots selected for Latino Center for Health fellowship

A woman dressed in a black shirt holds several cleaning products in her arms.

How to clean green

Our COVID-19 disinfecting frenzy could harm our health. A new fact sheet from UW DEOHS and our partners offers safer alternatives

Construction worker sanding a floor with dust flying up

Helping businesses reopen safely

DEOHS researchers launch survey and offer their guidance on reopening in the pandemic



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