Health & Safety Matters: The DEOHS blog

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Closeup of Dr. Jeremy Hess in profile holding a microphone with one hand and holding out his other hand.

Protecting health in a changing climate

DEOHS researchers partner with communities to save lives from extreme heat and climate-related disasters

| Kate Stringer

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Jorge stands and washes his hands. On the wall there are several safety posters. One reads "Wash your hands Lavese las manos!" with a picture of a sink and hands. Jorge smiles at the camera and wears a blue shirt and hat.

Practicing environmental health in the southwest with the Indian Health Service

DEOHS Ph.D. student Jorge Rivera-Gonzalez trains to become an Environmental Health Officer in the U.S. Public Health Service 

Sean Atijera wears a black button-up shirt and stands near stairs.

Transfer student finds community, career connections

Sean Atijera, environmental public health major, appreciates the many resources found on a large campus

Two workers wear silver protective gear and work in a foundry, one up on a platform over liquid metal which is an orange color. The other is far to the right with a long pole. Both are wearing PPE including helmets and visors.

Tackling emerging workplace hazards with policy

Maggie Leland, policy director for the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, will present a public lecture at the UW on November 7, sponsored by DEOHS 

Hundreds of sandbags line a path at the edge of the Duwamish River, with a pier and construction equipment in the background.

Engaging community to mitigate flood risk in the Duwamish Valley

With support from UW Population Health Initiative, Duwamish River Community Coalition partners with DEOHS and other UW researchers to adapt to flooding

Kailee Sisounthone smiles wearing a hard hat, safety vest and sunglasses on a bridge over a river.

On the job: Kailee Sisounthone

DEOHS undergraduate helps protect electrical workers with Seattle City Light internship

A person in an engine suit, hardhat and gloves holds his arm up over his eyes in a gesture of tiredness while holding his glasses in one hand, standing in a shipping yard.

Half of US workers face stressors that could harm health

US workers exposed to multiple psychosocial hazards, amid little regulation, according to DEOHS-led study



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