
Student Research Project |
Introduction: The primary objectives of this research were to: 1) assess the relationship between heat exposure and occupational traumatic injuries in Washington State; and 2) assess heat exposure and the relationship between heat stress and psychomotor vigilance and balance in a population at high risk for injuries and heat related illness.

Student Research Project |
Background: Climate change is increasing allergens and environmental degr

Student Research Project |
Outdoor workers who perform heavy physical labor in hot conditions are at increased risk for developing occupational heat-related illness. Seasonal harvesting of certain tree fruits in Washington occurs during summer months. In addition to environmental heat exposure, harvesting involves internal heat generation from physical work.

Student Research Project |
Aim: Previous studies in various sectors have indicated that piece rate payment is associated with increased rates of occupational injuries, compared to hourly pay. The relationship between payment type and heat-related illness (HRI) has not previously been studied. We aimed to examine the relationship between payment type and HRI in agricultural workers.


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