
The Health & Environment Activities Research Tool (HEART)

A collection of worksheets and resources that helps teachers engage their students in locally relevant environmental health research projects.

Food and Health Map

Graphic depiction of the Food System, considering food safety, transportation, food policy, health and more. 8x17" legal size

Environmental Health Fact File: LEAD

Curriculum, 226 pages. A collection of integrated lesson plans designed to introduce middle school students to the topic of lead and its effects on human health. This curriculum follows the same format as the Fact File on Asthma.

Environmental Health Fact File: DIABETES

A collection of integrated lesson plans designed to introduce middle school students to the topics of diabetes and environmental health.

Environmental Health Fact File: ASTHMA

A collection of integrated lesson plans designed to introduce middle school students to the topics of asthma and environmental health. This curriculum provides EALR aligned lesson plans to teachers in a variety of subjects.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners

This hands-on lesson explores the characteristics of nine different sugars, sugar substitutes, and artificial sweeteners.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Your Money or Your Life

A role play activity designed to promote discussion and critical thinking about the issues of genetic testing and pesticide exposure.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. What is Environmental Health?

This 48-slide powerpoint presentation introduces the subject of environmental health.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Health Unit Organizing Activity

This activity serves as an "Introduction to Health" lesson. Students generate or are given a list of health topics and write each topic on its own sticky note.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Family Tree Activity

In this activity, students research the environmental and genetic medical conditions in their own family or in the people they live with.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Health Equation Activity

A 50-minute hands-on activity that will help students identify the connections between genetics, the environment and personal choices, and how they affect our health.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: Introduction to Health. Environment + Genes + Choices = Your Health

The lesson will introduce students to the interaction between the environment, genetics, and personal choices, and their effect on one's health.

ATHENA Environmental Health Lesson: GMO Salmon

The lesson introduces genetically modified organisms through a case study of GMO salmon. Background is provided about GMOs and reasons they are developed, regulation, examples of GMO foods, and ethical issues.

Hechos rápidos: La seguridad de los mariscos en PugetSound

Un folleto de una página, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública.

Hechos rápidos: Los efectos sobre la salud de los pesticidas en los alimentos

Un folleto de dos páginas, desarrollado por un Café de Salud Pública.

The World Health Organization's Environmental Health Page

The World Health Organization's Environmental Health Page is a great place to access resources such as fact sheets and multimedia presentations for a more globa

Toxic Free Futures

The Toxic Free Futures website offers more local information for Washington State educators. This non-profit group works to protect public health and the environment by eliminating toxic pollution.

TOXMAP: Environmental Health e-Maps

Produced by the National Library of Medicine, this interactive mapping site lets you enter an address or zip code and see a map showing all the Superfund sites and industries that report releases of toxic substances in that area.


Toxipedia is a smart, cutting-edge resource for all things toxicology and environmental health-related.

People Matter

"People Matter" is a video and social media campaign aimed at raising researchers' awareness of the value of honoring and protecting the concerns and rights of people involved in research studies.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

This is a great place to go to learn about what environmental health research is getting funded in your area. You can also download fact sheets about specific chemicals or topics.