Jose Carmona
Jose Carmona
MPH, One Health (ONE)
"My interest in One Health began while working and doing research with the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center. I have always been interested in the health and safety of agricultural workers, but I wasn’t aware of the issues facing animal agriculture workers until I started working with Dr. Peter Rabinowitz. The emerging field of One Health excites me because it allows for a three-pronged approach to identifying solutions that impact our communities. The One Health research project I’m currently working on involves being in the field and collecting human, animal, and environmental samples. For my thesis project, I will be researching lung function measurements in dairy workers.
During my time in the department, I have been able to build relationships with other students, staff, and faculty and have developed many skills that will help me give back to my community. There are many active research partnerships with vulnerable populations and faculty are truly interested in understanding the needs of the communities they serve. After graduation I plan to continue to work to improve worker health and safety in some capacity that includes doing research. I also want to be involved in outreach and public engagement in order to bring appropriate voices to the table to solve complex environmental and occupational health challenges."