Community Health Interventions with Yakima Ag Workers "El Proyecto Bienestar"

El Proyecto Bienestar (EPB) or, Well Being Project, is a long-standing community health intervention effort guided by a Yakima Valley community advisory board. The partnership is comprised of: The University of Washington; Northwest Communities Education Center/Radio KDNA; Heritage University; and Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic.

Current El Proyecto Bienestar projects

Education Small Grant: Sexual Harassment Prevention in Agriculture: Evaluating a Training Video and Curriculum

Previous PNASH engagement with Washington farm-worker communities revealed a need to address sexual harassment for women farm-workers. Studies estimate female farmworkers face sexual harassment at a rate of 2-3 times higher than other work sectors. Many farms lack appropriate training and prevention programs to protect workers and are seeking assistance. The PNASH Center has been working with stakeholders throughout Washington State to develop a sexual harassment prevention program specific to the needs of this industry and culturally appropriate for Latino farmworkers.

See the toolkit here: PNASH Toolkit

Past El Proyecto Bienestar projects

Pilot: Nitrate Well Water Testing in Agricultural Communities: Improving Environmental Health Communication with Health Behavior Theory

This pilot project developed a process for tailoring communication materials that promote well water testing specifically for private well water users in the Lower Yakima Valley. Our project was guided by a committee of local stakeholders of the Lower Yakima Valley (LYV) in Washington State, including El Proyecto Bienestar and the Latino Community Fund.

See more here: Pilot: Nitrate Well Water Testing in Agricultural Communities: Improving Environmental Health Communication with Health Behavior Theory

el proyecto bienstar logo

Home Air in Agriculture — Pediatric Intervention (HAPI) Trial

(NIEHS 2014-2019) This study is addressing three highly underdeveloped components of asthma and environmental research: the health of children with asthma living in communities with industrial-scale agricultural operations, asthma in a particularly vulnerable subpopulation (Latino farmworker children), and evidence-based intervention strategies within these populations. HAPI aims to reduce child exposure to inflammatory agents and allergens in the home through the use of high-efficiency particulate air cleaners and a home-based education program. 

Health & Safety of Women Ag Workers 

(MAAF 2013-2014 and PNASH Pilot Project 2015-2016) The overall objective of this project, being conducted through El Proyecto Bienestar, is to examine and address sexual harassment as an occupational health hazard in the Washington agricultural workforce. This project aims to assess the extent and interrelationship between sexual harassment and worker health. This project was proposed in response to the concern voiced by farmworker health and social service providers about the occupational health risks of women agricultural workers, as well as increased media and legal attention regarding sexual harassment in the agricultural workplace.

View detailed information about this project's activities, goals, and impacts here!

ConneX Program and UW Summer Extension Course

(HRSA/Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic 2011-2013) Since 2003, PNASH has led a summer environmental education course in Yakima, WA with university credit for ConneX program students. ConneX is an education outreach program at the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic with the aim to create a competitive pool of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter health professions. PNASH faculty, partners, and graduate students lead the curricula and organize a field survey or sampling activity. The community surveys from 2004 through 2010 helped our partners understand the environmental and occupational health concerns, and evaluate the effectiveness of our educational interventions.

Aggravating Factors of Asthma in a Rural Environment (AFARE)

(NIEHS 2009-2013) This community-based project characterized ambient triggers of asthma in the rural setting by following 50 (children and adults) asthmatic community participants, mapping their exacerbations, and comparing these with known agricultural exposures. Subsequently, ambient sampling with an innovative and adaptable sampler confirmed the nature of the exposures. A multifaceted evaluation assessed the process, outcomes, and impact of the program on the partnership, the participants, the clinical providers, and the community.


Kim NJ, Vásquez VB, Torres E, Nicola RM, Karr C. Breaking the Silence: Sexual Harassment of Mexican Women Farmworkers. J Agromedicine. 2016;21(2):154-62.

Perla ME, Iman E, Campos L, Perkins A, Liebman AK, Miller ME, Beaudet NJ, Karr CJ. Agricultural occupational health and safety perspectives among Latino-American youth. J Agromedicine. 2015;20(2):167-77.